The mission of English International School – Kinshasa Library is derived from the overall mission and philosophy of the school. Our mission is to provide an environment for pupils to commit themselves to learning, accepting responsibility for their work and behaviour.
The school library caters to the reading and research needs of all our students. The print collection has literature, adventure, classics, comics, mystery, graphic novels, periodicals, reference books, fiction, non-fiction and much more geared towards the interest and reading levels of all the students. The library has more than 5000 items and new collections are being added @ 600 items each acadmic year.
In collaboration with respective class teachers, students are oriented at the beginning of the school year and again periodically to use the library materials effectively and efficiently for optimum learning.
The students can keep the library book for 1 week. After one week the book is overdue. Overdue book will have to be returned before taking out any more book. Lost or damaged books will be charged.
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